©2020 by Mark Diesendorf
Planet Earth and its inhabitants are facing existential and other major threats resulting from human activities.
These include climate change, nuclear war, increasing social inequality and injustice, and a trend towards authoritarian governments. My website offers books, articles (research and popular), presentations and other information to assist a transition to an ecologically sustainable, socially just and more peaceful civilisation.
New book: Mark Diesendorf & Rod Taylor (2023). The Path to a Sustainable Civilisation: Technological, socioeconomic and political change. Palgrave Macmillan.
"Its conclusions about the need for social movements to fight the corporate capture of our politics seem particularly relevant." Bill McKibben, Schumann Distinguished Scholar, Middlebury College and author of The End of Nature
"This highly accessible book is essential reading for policymakers, their advisors, and informed citizens generally." Stephanie Kelton, Professor of Economics and Public Policy, Stony Brook University
"This important book shows how it is still possible to prevent the collapse of our civilisation; buy it, read it and act on it urgently." Ian Lowe, Emeritus Professor, Griffith University
New paper: 'Sustainability Scientists' Critique of Neoclassical Economics' (2024)
– see Research page.
New popular article: 'Sustainability Scientists Challenge the Dominant Economic System' (2024)